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Diner Dash


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The award-winning action-puzzle game with the restaurant theme, Diner Dash remains one of the most popular online games of 2005. As diner owner and entrepreneur, Flo, build an eatery empire by seating, serving and churning the clients. Better service will result in higher tips and more money means more improvements, such as additional seating and nicer diner amenities. It starts out easy, with plenty of time to dedicate to each customer.but as more and more clients arrive, the pace can get hectic. Simple controls let anyone start serving right away, but an increasing challenge will keep the game frantic and fun! Are you open for business?

• Features:

Action-puzzle addiction with a tasty new twist on the genre

Seat, serve and satisfy customers to earn bigger tips

Easy-to-learn controls put the emphasis on the task at hand

Unlock new diner themes in Career Mode or test your endurance in Endless Mode

40 levels across 4 restaurant themes in Career Mode

Earn bonus points for stringing together similar actions... an advanced move!

A variety of customer types that requires you to treat them differently for top points.

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Modificato da muscken
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sapete che mi ci sto appassionando?è un giochino semplice semplice in cui devi premere i tasti da lui richiesti ma contemporaneamente far sedere le persone nel posto giusto e fare le combinazioni per accumulare bonus.ogni livello ha un punteggio da superare e più si va avanti più i tavoli e le persone saranno maggiori.mi ricorda la semplicità di "metro" col quale mi divertivo tantissimo.

Modificato da muscken
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sembra bello ma... esiste una versione b) ? Nome?

ps com'è questo metro? Che tipo di gioco è? qualke info/screenshot? Thx

esiste esiste


x metro (che poi si chiama SUBWAY) guarda qui


Modificato da muscken
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