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Y-Tasks is actually a suite of utilities and diagnostic tools that are sure to please even the most advanced S60 user. In this review I’ll go through each of the seven components that make up the Y-Tasks suite and show you why this new freeware app is a must-have.


The Filetypes component allows you to view all recorded filetypes on our device and change file associations. How is that useful? Well just one example is MP3s. By default MP3 files will open in the integrated music player but now you can easily change the mapping so that they will open in a third-party player like MyStrands Social Player instead.

Apps & Tasks

This is the actual task manager component in the app. Apps & Tasks will allow to to view installed apps and running tasks and display info about each item. Beyond that you can also easily bring running tasks to the forefront and even close or kill them as you wish.


The Processes component allows you to browse through all of the processes and threads running on your device. You can view detailed info on each list item including IDs and capabilities, and you can also kill items from the main Options menu.

Crash Monitor

Here’s where Y-Tasks gets even more unique. The Crash monitor can be set to run in the background even while Y-Tasks is closed and allows you to keep a detailed record of every crash and closure that takes place on your device. This is a very useful tool, especially if you are experiencing problems with any apps on your device.

With regard to the ability to run certain components of Y-Tasks in the background, in the first screenshot at the top of this post (The Y-Tasks home screen) you can see that two icons are ‘illuminated’ in green. This indicates that they are currently running in the background and will continue to run even after Y-Tasks is exited.

Memory status

Memory status gives you a real-time view of the memory state of each drive on your device, as well as RAM. There is also a unique option to “Reserve memory”. This will reserve a block of RAM (any size you wish) and prevent it from being occupied by any app.


The Trace component is a great tool that gives you a graphical monitor of your RAM and c: drive memory status. Just like the Crash monitor, Trace can be set to run in the background even after closing Y-Tasks and will keep a continuously updated graphical consumption chart. This is a great tool for analyzing the performance effects of individual apps and really does come in handy!


The last component in the initial Y-Tasks offering is a viewer that allows you to sample each and every font on your device. To use it you can add text manually or from a file/clipboard. Then you can access all of your existing fonts and apply them from the Options menu.

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Ho provato a seguire la solita sequenza, ma quando arrivo ai plugin di Y-Tasks, niente da fare.

Certificato in linea perennemente disattivato, la data indietro non dà esito positivo.

Vabbè, ci rinuncio!

Ritenterò più avanti, ora sto bestemmiando per trovare il modo di far andare il rigenerator senza dover formattare! Avere l'HD che si chiama I a volte è un bel problema!

In compenso, ho fatto un pò di prove con filmati convertiti e mi sono accorto che vengono meglio in mpeg-4/aac con Super che perdendo tempo a convertirli in .avi usando Smartmovie converter. L'audio è più alto nel primo caso. Molto interessante.

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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Inserisco questo messaggio allo scopo di riportare a galla questa discussione che in molti si saran persi presumo..il programma oggetto del thread è un task manager freeware molto valido. Certo allo stato attuale un pò oscurato fa tracker(a pagamento)ma che,vi ricordo,presenta funzioni non rilevabili in tracker e che per questo può usarsi in accoppiata. Ad esempio la ottima visualizzazione grafica della ram libera e occupata e altre cose. Spero che l'amico p@sco,data anche la sua amicizia con l'autore del programma(stesso autore di ybrowser),voglia inserire nei suoi prox temi un'icona delle sue per questa valida applicazione. La potete scaricare qui: http://www.drjukka.com/YTasks.html

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