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Interessante tool realizzato da CODeRUS che puo' essere utilizzato per:

- analizzare ed estrarre i contenuti dal file di dump della rom

- convertire i file eseguibili dal formato XIP al formato EPOC

- visualizzare le dipendenze tra i vari file eseguibili analizzandone import / export

- creare file .idc per risolvere gli import / export in IDA Pro

Segue la descrizione originale...



- Loading data from RomDump. Please prefer to use romdumpplus from RomPatcher+ by Il.Socio

- Showing only XIP files in RomDump

- [Porting apps] Converting XIP images to EPOC.

- [Porting apps] Displaying files links. It shows which files use exports of selected library and/or which libraries are used by selected file. This procedure is long, finding links in kernel files may require long time.

- [Patch making] Making IDC scripts for IDA Pro, which contain names of functions for better understanding of disassembled code.

- Extracting XIP files from RomDump

- Simple and fast GUI

Changelog v0.16:

- fixed application cresh if using romdump from DumpROM by Zorn. This romdump is not complete and may be cause for many troubles.

Features description:

To start working with tool open RomDump by clicking "Open RomDump" button, or by dropping romdump file on application window or by dropping romdump on application executable/by launching application with path to romdump as parameter.

All functions are simple ad fast as it's possible.

Application saves logs of converting and showing links in to romdump directory. Also you can tick "Show log" for viewing log in application window.

Please report all bugs or send new ideas about application at coderusinbox-at-gmail-dot-com with message title - "aRomAT feedback"

Application executable packed by corporate packer. Antiviruses may report this as a threat. Add the executable as an exception!

Download link:

aRomAT v0.18

Official web blog: aRomAT at symbian-coderus blog


Leonapapa, Il.Socio and wook for supporting and helping me!

Modificato da Il.Socio
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  • 4 mesi dopo...

I file interessati sono in formato XIP, per avere qualche speranza di farli girare in ROFS, devi convertirli in formato E32Image (vedi bottone Convert to EPOC)...

Ma anche facendo cosi', non credo che funzionera' perche' tutte le dipendenze fanno riferimento al file XIP originale.

Modificato da Il.Socio
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