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PENALTY WORLD CUP '07 b):blink:b)


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NGAGEQD, Nokia NGAGE, Nokia N70, nokia e50, Nokia 7650, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7370, Nokia 7260, Nokia 7250i, Nokia 7250, Nokia 7210, Nokia 7200, Nokia 6822, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6800, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6610i, Nokia 6610, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6280, nokia 6270, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6234, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6220, Nokia 6200, nokia 6151, Nokia 6131, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6102, Nokia 6101, Nokia 6100, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6021, Nokia 6020, nokia 5500, Nokia 5140i, Nokia 5140, Nokia 5100, Nokia 3660, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3620, Nokia 3300, Nokia 3230, Nokia 3220, Nokia 3200, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3100

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NGAGE, nokia n73, Nokia N70, nokia e50, Nokia 7650, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7370, Nokia 7260, Nokia 7250i, Nokia 7250, Nokia 7210, Nokia 7200, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6800, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6610i, Nokia 6610, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6280, nokia 6270, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6234, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6220, Nokia 6200, nokia 6151, Nokia 6131, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6102, Nokia 6101, Nokia 6100, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6021, Nokia 6020, nokia 5500, Nokia 5140i, Nokia 5140, Nokia 5100, Nokia 3660, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3300, Nokia 3230, Nokia 3220, Nokia 3200, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3100, nokia 2610

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NGAGEQD, Nokia NGAGE, nokia n73, Nokia N70, nokia e50, Nokia 7650, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7370, Nokia 7260, Nokia 7250i, Nokia 7250, Nokia 7210, Nokia 7200, Nokia 6822, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6800, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6610, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6280, nokia 6270, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6234, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6200, nokia 6151, Nokia 6131, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6102, Nokia 6101, Nokia 6100, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6021, Nokia 6020, nokia 5500, Nokia 5140i, Nokia 5140, Nokia 5100, Nokia 3660, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3300, Nokia 3230, Nokia 3220, Nokia 3200, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3100

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NGAGEQD, Nokia NGAGE, Nokia 7650, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7600, Nokia 7270, Nokia 7260, Nokia 7250i, Nokia 7250, Nokia 7210, Nokia 7200, Nokia 6830, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6810, Nokia 6800, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6610i, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6280, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6200, Nokia 6170, Nokia 6101, Nokia 6100, Nokia 6020, Nokia 5140, Nokia 3660, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3620, Nokia 3600, Nokia 3410, Nokia 3220, Nokia 3200, Nokia 3128, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3108, Nokia 3100, Nokia 2650

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Underground Racer

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2355, 2650, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6108, 6111, 6152, 6155, 6155i, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6270, 6280, 6560, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6651, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7370, 7600, 7610, 7650, E61, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70, N71, N91, N92

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Super Moto Extreme


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2650, 3100, 3120, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3220, 3230, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6100, 6101, 6103, 6111, 6152, 6155, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6230, 6230i, 6234, 6255i, 6260, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6800, 6810, 6820, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7600, 7610, 7650, 8800, 8801, E61, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70

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Features :

* 2 selectable characters

* Colorful graphics

* Ingame character voices

* Combat bonuses

* Different unique enemies


NGAGEQD, Nokia NGAGE, nokia n73, Nokia N70, nokia e50, Nokia 7650, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7370, Nokia 7260, Nokia 7250i, Nokia 7250, Nokia 7210, Nokia 7200, Nokia 6822, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6280, nokia 6270, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6234, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6230, nokia 6151, Nokia 6131, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6102, Nokia 6101, Nokia 6100, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6021, Nokia 6020, nokia 5500, Nokia 5140i, Nokia 5140, Nokia 5100, Nokia 3660, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3300, Nokia 3220, Nokia 3200, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3100

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3D Moto Racing Fever




* Not just a 3D game, but a great game that's in 3D!

* Collect nitro boosts to reach face-altering speeds!

* Pull off big air jumps, supermans, wheelies, power slides and more!

* Easy and casual 'one-finger' gameplay

* Gripping story driven gameplay with adrenalin-filled in-game cinematics

* Post high scores to the Mobile League™ and SMS challenge friends

Genre: Racing Publisher: Digital Chocolate

Developer: N/A Language: English

Release date: 09/2006

Modificato da zivagodj
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Real Street Racing




In the simulator of street racing from Qplaze you will be able to:

- To create the career of street racer, passing the whole way from the total obscurity and till the fame of underground racing champion;

- To participate in the four types of racings with the different number of opponents, straightly from the short sprint, to the acrobatic racings with the spring-boards;

- To test the speed and power of the best ten racing’s autos;

- Improve your auto, by changing everything starting from the color of the auto and aerodynamic weather cloth, and accomplishing with the form of tailpipe, and also purchase of powerful nitro accelerator;

- Enjoy the realistic and dynamic graphic, including the reflection of turn and stop lights of the auto, movable environment, way traffic and obstacles;

- To stand against the opponents with the developed skill of the extreme driving, ability to pass the opponent on turns and suddenly leave them behind.

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AliBaba and the Scary Dev




- 9 different levels in the town, deserted blocks, desert and Dev's castle;

- various bonuses: jugs, flowers, rubies, baskets and wool balls.

- many various enemies: 6 different soldier types, mummies, merchants, guardians, vultures, resurgent statues and finally the boss itself - the scary Dev;

- several weapon types and a super kick;

- 270 animation frames

- 120 animated objects

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Age of Heroes II: Underground Horror




- wonderful graphics

- possibility to save the game

- 10 fighting creatures

- 20 levels for the character’s improvement

- 3 levels of magic

- completely new quests

- two worlds:

Mountain valley

Underground caves of gnomes

New features, not available in the first game

- More levels of improvement

- Modified battlefield

- No need to confirm the end of the movement

- Rivals can encircle the hero’s troops

- Many-tentacled dialogues with characters

- Direct recruitment of warriors

- Rivals can pursue the hero


2650, 2652, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3120, 3125, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6108, 6111, 6152, 6155, 6155i, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6270, 6560, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610I, 6620, 6651, 6670, 6681, 6682, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250I, 7260, 7270, 7370, 7610, 7650, 8800, 8801, N-GAGE, N-GAGE-QD

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Soviet Spy 2: Umput forever



Features of the game:

- 15 levels which constitute more than 300 screens

- 3 worlds (desert, catacombs, underground shelter)

- 12-17 enemies depending on your mobile phone

- Enemies can use two kinds of fixed weapon

- 4 kinds of weapon: two guns, a submachine gun, a flame thrower and a bazooka

- Now Shtirlitz can enter into a close combat (a kick)

- Well-calculated physics of the game

- User-friendly controls which take into consideration particular features of the phone


2650, 2652, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3120, 3125, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3510I, 3530, 3586, 3586I, 3587, 3587i, 3595, 3600, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6010, 6012, 6015, 6015i, 6016i, 6019i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6108, 6111, 6152, 6155, 6155i, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6260, 6560, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610I, 6620, 6651, 6670, 6681, 6682, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250I, 7260, 7270, 7610, 7650, 8800, 8801, 8910I, N-GAGE, N-GAGE-QD

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Real SuperBike




- Possibility to choose one of 4 types of bikes that vary in power, fuel consumption and torsion torque.

- Possibility to play in one of three modes: training, single lap and tournament:

Training involves the lap without rivals. It’s a driving drill and tracks study.

Single lap involves the lap on random track with rivals.

Tournament involves passing along all tracks in turn.

- The tournament mode allows earning money by winning the laps.

- With the prize money you can get access to new tracks (the total of 10) and improve your bike in three different ways:

Nitro-balloons – decrease of acceleration time

Tires – ability to carry out steeper turns

Aero-packs – increase of the maximum velocity.


2650, 2652, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3120, 3125, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3510I, 3530, 3586, 3586I, 3587, 3587i, 3595, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6010, 6012, 6015, 6015i, 6016i, 6019i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6100, 6101, 6108, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6260, 6560, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610I, 6620, 6651, 6670, 6681, 6682, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250I, 7260, 7270, 7610, 7650, 8910I, N-GAGE, N-GAGE-QD

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Wireless Boxing



All successful punches increase the boxer’s experience, after the battle the points received by the boxer are used to increase one of his characteristics – strength of punch, manoeuvrability, health reserve.

The view of the game is from a third person. There is a camera behind the boxer and from one side of him.

During boxing combats the players can make 3 kinds of punches from the left and right and make a block.


2650, 2652, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3120, 3125, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3410, 3510I, 3530, 3586, 3586I, 3587, 3587i, 3595, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6010, 6012, 6015, 6015i, 6016i, 6019i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6100, 6108, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6235, 6235i, 6260, 6560, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610I, 6620, 6651, 6670, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250I, 7260, 7610, 7650, 8910I, N-GAGE, N-GAGE-QD

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Pizza Empire



Campaign and Mission

The player may enter the campaign or any separate mission

The campaign is a set of missions with a player's accumulating account and points.

The mission is a game played using one scenario designed to be run fast. There is one campaign available in the game versus 1 or 3 competitors, and 10 separate missions with different scenarios.

The plot of the game

A player opens a pizzeria of his own at a corner building in a small town. He has a long way to go before he gets a town-wide recognition and fame.

It is not easy to become famous - there are dangerous competitors and gangsters, bad town districts and rough customers bullying buyers. It is necessary to take right decisions to avoid failure.

Many parameters are to be observed to ensure a stable development for the pizzeria.

The plot of the game: Personnel

First, it is necessary to employ qualified staff which could be selected at an employment agency. A cook and a waiter will do at the initial stage, while more vacancies will appear as the business grows.

There 5 types of employees in the game:

- A cook

- A waiter

- A driver

- A guard

- A cleaner

Every employee has different qualifications to get his/her job done. They are experience, efficiency and reputation:

EXPERIENCE. The bigger this parameter, the better is the job done.

EFFICIENCY. This parameter defines the speed of the job done.

REPUTATION adds to the rating of the restaurant and attracts more customers.

Wages will have to be paid to the staff, and the more qualified an employee, the higher is his/her pay. Sometimes, one experienced employee might replace several beginners. Also, an employee of a player who worked at the pizzeria gets higher qualifications and his/her pay has to be raised or he/she will leave.

The plot of the game: Recipes

An important parameter is the assortment, so it is necessary to increase a number of recipes. There are a few recipes available at the start of the game, other recipes have to be purchased additionally. The longer the game is run, the more recipes are available for purchasing. There 10 recipes available in the game.

The plot of the game: Ingredients

Recipes are just rules of cooking. In order to make a pizza, you will need ingredients which you must buy additionally. To start buying an ingredient, you must organize a delivery which needs payment. Delivery of some ingredients is already organized at the beginning of the game. It is necessary to ensure that the required ingredients are always available at your warehouse. There are 45 ingredients in the game.

The plot of the game: Finished products

Usually, pizza buyers order additional products - drinks and dressings, for instance. To meet their demand, it is necessary to buy finished products. There 15 finished products in the game.

The plot of the game: Equipment

In order to make more money, it is necessary to provide additional entertainment for your customers, for instance, slot machines for gambling or playing music or selling Cola. The are 5 different slot machines in the game.

The plot of the game: Troubles

Developing a business is not a bed of roses. The player might expect the following troubles: an armed attack, drunk customers, damage of the property of pizzeria, delivery failures, dirtying the premises.

The biggest trouble would be rapidly growing competitors, so it necessary to quickly and confidently develop your business.

The plot of the game: Customers

Customers buy your products and you have to oblige them thoroughly. If a customer is displeased he may suspend visiting your restaurant for some time. Some customers express their opinions in the course of the game, which is displayed in the form of icons above their heads.

The plot of the game: Customers (emotions)

There are 7 icons representing emotions:

- Very tasty (Joy)

- So-so (Neutral)

- Tasteless (Resentment)

- Nasty (Anger)

- Feeling sick (Bad)

- Got drunk (Inadequate behavior)

- Frightened (Fear)

The plot of the game: Accommodation

To accommodate and attract more customers, it is necessary to enlarge the premises of your restaurant. The renovation would take several days but this will justify the invested money. Apart from increasing the space, you might buy additional external elements, trees, garbage cans, a rain-draining system. There are 3 types of buildings and 6 technical improvements in the game.

The plot of the game: Advertising

Advertising is a most important component of the business. To attract more customers, you might use the following types of advertising: window stickers, the signboard of the restaurant, leaflets, advertisements in newspapers, billboards.

The plot of the game: The weather

The weather affects the attendance of your restaurant - the better the weather, the more customers are likely to visit your pizzeria. The weather could be sunny or cloudy.

Capabilities of the game: Complexity

The level of complexity is chosen by the player. There are three levels of complexity:

- Easy

- Normal

- Hard

Capabilities of the game: Reports

In the course of the game, players may control the balance of money and the remaining quantity of ingredients and products in the warehouse. At the end of the day, the player receives profit and loss accounts. Also, he may see the level of competitors.

Capabilities of the game: Windows

The player may review his/her pizzeria both from outside and inside. Also, it is possible to see the restaurants of the competitors. They are different in color, decoration and logotypes.


2650, 2652, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3120, 3125, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3510I, 3530, 3586, 3586I, 3587, 3587i, 3595, 3620, 3660, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 6010, 6012, 6015, 6015i, 6016i, 6019i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6100, 6101, 6108, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6260, 6560, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610I, 6620, 6651, 6670, 6681, 6682, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250I, 7260, 7270, 7610, 7650, 8910I, N-GAGE, N-GAGE-QD

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