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non so se sia giusto/corretto/legale/morale, ma ho trovato su un altro forum una lista con tutti programmi freeare da poter scaricare liberamenteil post era di un certo skandymicky. eccolo.


Ho trovato un post di @6600 che traduce una lista a sua volta trovata su un forum straniero. E' troppo preziosa per non essere pubblicata

Tutto ciò che segue è rigorosamente freeware, liberamente scaricabile ed utilizzabile.

Full Screen Caller

Power Call - http://my-symbian.com/7650/applicati...uto=1467&faq=2

File, Task e Memory Managers

FExplorer - File Manager - http://users.skynet.be/domi/fexplorer.htm

Switcher - Task Manager - http://www.ki-ag.de/pages/tech/switcher.html

TaskSpy - Task Manager with CPU load and free memory display http://www.pushl.com/

Memory Monitor - http://www.newlc.com/article.php3?id_article=109


Avantgo - http://www.avantgo.com

Sync - http://www.nokiausa.com/support/pho...48,3650,00.html

Lettori di ebook

MobiPocket - http://www.mobipocket.com/en/HomePage/default.asp

ReadM - http://zavorine.net/symbian/readm.htm

Blocca Tasti Automatici

JJKeyLock - http://koti.phnet.fi/jarilaak/software/jjlkeylock.html

Autolock - http://fuse.stc.cx/autolock/


PhotoZox 3D Art Frames - Fun Camera http://www.symbiangear.com/product.h...762,7764,44547


PhotoJotter - Database Fotografico - http://koti.phnet.fi/jarilaak/software/photojotter.html

Animation Viewer - Visulalizzatore di Animazionni - http://koti.phnet.fi/jarilaak/software/aniview.html

RGB Tester - Test per il colori display - http://www.hashbang.com.au/


FIVN player - Player mp3,wav,aac,amr,mp4 http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=754

Bemused - Controllo via Bluetooth - http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~ashley/bemused/

Ogg - Music Player - http://symbianoggplay.sourceforge.net/


NameSwap - Inverte nome e cognome - http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~ashley/

Contacts Transfer - Trasferisce contatti da cell a cell - http://personal.inet.fi/private/riihimaki/s60/


eMSN - chat MSN via WAP


RSSreader - Lettore di RSS http://www.8mobile.org/rssManager.aspx

Jteletext - Televideo http://kts.altervista.org/index.php?...&app=JTeletext

CepteMSN - Client MSN - http://www.ceptemsn.com/indir.htm

Forward - Mand messagi dalla cartella Inbox - http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~ashley/

Putty - SSH Client - http://sourceforge.net/projects/s2putty/

Agile Messenger - Instant Messenger - http://www.agilemobile.com/agile_messenger.html

Weather - Meteo dal mondo - http://badpint.org/weather/

Jabber - Client - http://www.mjabber.com/mJabber

Papla Instant Messenger - Jabber Client - http://instant.papla.pl/text.asp?file=instant_mob.html

Telnet Floyd - Telnet client - http://phoenix.inf.upol.cz/~polakr/

Floyd SSH - SSH client - http://phoenix.inf.upol.cz/~polakr/

Symella - P2p per symbian http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=726

VNC2Go - VNC Client Viewer - http://www.freeutils.net/vnc2go/index.jsp

Mail++ - Email Client - http://www.mycgiserver.com/~gamesxx/mj2me.html

Azure - Blog client - http://web.vee.net/projects/azure/

SendSMS - Manda flash SMS - http://www.mobilequery.com

Avantgo - http://www.avantgo.com/frontdoor/index_uk.htmlAvantgo

SendFax - Per inviare fax - http://mobilequery.com

Email - Client email - http://mobilequery.com

ChatReader - Chat - http://www.mjsoft.nm.ru/


UKFlights - UK partenze e arrivi - http://www.mobilequery.com


Metro - Guida ai trasporti pubblici http://my-symbian.com/7650/applicati...to=1292&faq=30

TripMate - Aiuta a ricordare le direzioni - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html

MetroNavigator - solo per Mosca e Monaco - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html


ToDoManager - Note&Impegni http://www.8mobile.org/

Shopping List - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.htmlShopper

Odysseus - http://people.freenet.de/hskopp/odysseus.html

HView - File viewer - http://www.slajerek.demon.pl/hview/


Safe - Password protette - http://www.javawi.de/

MMCPwd - Ripristina la password MMC - http://www.mmcpwd.tk/

OTPGen - Password generator - http://marcin.studio4plus.com/en/otpgen/index.html


PocketCounter - Timer - http://www.vtoy.fi/~malo/pocket.html

Egg Clock - Timer - http://people.freenet.de/hskopp/eggclock.html

StopWatch - Timer - http://www.lysator.liu.se/~sdw/other.shtml

Punch - Time tracker - http://punch.sourceforge.net/

TeaTimer -Timer - http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~jonash/midlet/index.html

GlobalTime - World Time - http://www.hashbang.com.au/


Hangman - Il gioco dell'impiccato http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=730

S-Tris - Tetris Clone http://www.clickgamer.com/download.htm?pvid=2277

Vexed - Puzzle Game - http://www.symbiandiaries.com/vexed/

Doom - Porting di Doom - http://www.wildpalm.co.uk/

MIDPman - Pacman http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=494

Xedious - Arcade game - http://personal.inet.fi/private/riihimaki/s60/

Yahtzee - Classic game - http://jtrotman.tripod.com/yahtzee.html

TripplePop - Game - http://www.nokiausa.com/support/pho...48,3650,00.html

SpruceMAN - Clone PacMan http://www.spruce.org/

Bombz - Clone - http://www.wellu.org/app.htm

Triz - Tetris clone - http://www.wellu.org/app.htm

Bounce - Game - http://www.nokiausa.com/support/pho...48,3650,00.html

Crystal Pop - Game - http://www.newlc.com/article.php3?id_article=98

CardDeck - Giochi di carte - http://www.nokiausa.com/support/pho...48,3650,00.html

TapTaTop - Game - http://www.tetraedge.com/taptatop1.htm

SameGame - Puzzle Game - http://www.lysator.liu.se/~sdw/other.shtml

Queens - Dama - http://www.lonelycatgames.com/

Frozen Bubble - Game - http://fb-s60.sourceforge.net/?opt=1

The Journey - Adventure game - http://journey.schlabo.com/

Lines - Tipo forza 4 - http://www.iolansoftware.fi/lines.html

Freemines - Minesweeper game - http://www.sacredware.com/Default.a...p;Pr ojectID=4

Quellicheilcell - Trova i copioni - http://www.quellicheilcell.it

MammothHunter -'Find it' style game - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html

Wordix - Tetrix clone - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html

ZombieMansion - Platform game - http://www.zeroindex.co.uk/

VideoPoker - Gioco di carte - http://www.zeroindex.co.uk/

Blackjack - Gioco di carte - http://www.zeroindex.co.uk/

Swarm - Galaxian Style Game - http://www.zeroindex.co.uk/

Kwoki - Collect all the eggs - http://www.slajerek.demon.pl/kwoki/

Tower of Hanoi - Game - http://www.mjsoft.nm.ru/


Spectrian - Emulatore ZX Spectrum http://www.whitecloudsoftware.com/

E²mame - Emulatore Mame - http://www.harmonicode.com/EEMame/

GoBoy GameBoy Emulator - http://www.wildpalm.co.uk/

fMSX - MSX Emulator - http://personal.inet.fi/private/riihimaki/s60/

Frodo - Commodore 64 emulator - http://koti.mbnet.fi/~haviital/

PicoDrive - Emulatore megadrive http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=580


MicroCalc - Calcolatrice Scientifica - http://mixa.dev.juga.ru/microcalc/microcalc.htm

Scientific Calculator - Calcolatrice Programmabile - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html

Calcium - Calcolatrice rapida e semplice - http://mtvoid.com/calcium/index.html

mjCalculator - http://www.mjsoft.nm.ru


Money Manager - Controllo spese http://www.8mobile.org/

Econometer - Analizzatore di spese - http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html


Wireless18 - Segnapunti per Golf - http://www.wireless18.com/


Cocktail - I vostri cocktail su serie 60 http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=565

Torch - Schermo come torcia - http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~ashley/

Interference - Screensaver - http://www.wellu.org/app.htm

Bluetooth Printing - Stampa via Bluetooth - http://www.nokiausa.com/support/pho...48,3650,00.html

SysInfo - system Information - http://www.newlc.com/article.php3?id_article=278

SPMark - Misura delle prestazioni - http://www.futuremark.com/download/?spmark04.shtml

CellTrack - Utility per le celle GSM/UMTS http://www.afischer-online.de/sos/celltrack/


Dictionary - Inglese&Russo http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/mobile.html

Inek - Dizionario con varie lingue - http://www.tepetaklak.com/inek/

Reference - Dizionario con varie lingue on line - http://www.mobilequery.com


SynthTec - Sintetizzatore - http://www.slajerek.demon.pl/synthtec/


ZScreenCapture http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=751

Screenshot http://www.webdisplay.it/modules.php...=getit&lid=737

ScreenTaker http://www.smartappz.de/


Adobe Reader http://www.adobe.com/ Lettore di PDF.

Adobe Reader N70


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