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Cambiare I Parametri Di Visualizzazione Degli Effetti Tema

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Il file da modificare è il 10283344.txt situato in \private\10202be9\

version 1
0x0 int 22 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1 int 75 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x2 int 1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 int 1000 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x4 int 7 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x5 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail

0x0 Default frame rate for applications (frames per second)

0x1 Max CPU time taken by the alfappserver.exe from 1-100 %

0x2 Renderer selection (1=bitgdi, 3=OpenGles1.0, …).

0x3 Maximum cache size in kilobytes which the allocated resources (textures, sounds etc.) can use. 0 = no limit

0x4 Complexiy of graphical effects form 1 to 10. 10 is the most complex and needs more processing power. 1 is the simpliest and fastests.

* 0x0100 If set, the dirty regoins will be drawn. Not set by default.

* 0x0200 If set, draws outline to all visuals

* 0x0400 If set, draws outline to the visuals, whose EAlfVisualFlagEnableDebugMode flag is set

* 0x0800 If set, enables memory usage calculation by textures. It writes info messages describing memory consumption and total number of textures along with average bit depth

0x5 Configuration flags for setting up the HW driver (only with GPU).

* Key for setting up the HW driver.

* The lowest bit defines Antialising.

* 0 = antialiasing off (fast rendering)

* 1 = antialiasing on (multisampling etc.)

Es. per diminuire l'utilizzo delle risorse di sistema (CPU+RAM) da parte degli effetti tema (riducendone la qualita') e' possibile operare sulle chiavi 0 1 3 4 modificandole come segue:

0x0 int 11 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x1 int 50 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x3 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
0x4 int 3 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData

Modificato da Il.Socio
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