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Descrizione: NAVIFIRM è lo strumento multi-uso definitivo per il download delle immagini dei firmware Nokia, per ottenere la lista dei product codes, e per trovare il giusto product code per il tuo telefono. NAVIFIRM scarica tutto questo direttamente dai server Nokia quindi non sara' necessario aspettare che le persone postino i pacchetti di dati e le liste di product codes. NAVIFIRM è utile praticamente per tutti: Utenti finali: Per trovare i product codes da usare con NSS/NSU Giornalisti: Per essere i primi a sapere quando un nuovo firmware arriverà su NSU Sviluppatori: Per scaricare immagini delle ROM ed estrarre i files. Utenti Care Suite/Phoenix/box: Per scaricare immagini ROM da flashare. Server NSU addizionali possono essere inseriti modificando il Main.cs nel codice sorgente. Per maggiori informazioni: http://www.symbian-t...m/NaviFirm.aspx Download NaviFirm+ NaviFirm+ Change-Log: 3.2 Change-Log: - New: credentials for public shared account are automatically acquired from server 3.1 Change-Log: - Improved: support for public shared account 3.0 Change-Log: - New: shows a warning message for those accounts whom generates too much traffic - Improved: disabled the keypress-auto-repeat in the listboxes to avoid flooding the server with a lot of requests and get the account disabled - Fixed: the bitcoin email field was too short - Fixed: login issues for some Turkish accounts 2.9 Change-Log: - New: Bitcoins accepted! It is now possible to donate using Bitcoins the open-source, p2p, electronic money, available worldwide! - Improved: shows the current transfer speed (kB/s = kilobytes per second, 1kB/s = 1000bytes/s) - Improved: automatically search for Product Code after 3 seconds of inactivity, in case that the "enter" key is missing - Improved: shows the proper measure unit in the file details (KiB = kibibytes, 1KiB = 1024bytes) 2.8 Change-Log: - Improved: client/server transfer speed - Improved: registry is not used anymore. Username, password and GUI settings are now saved in the Config_v3.xml (.NET Framework will store it under %LOCALAPPDATA%) - Fixed: important issue in cache management of hidden variants and current variants: were cached using the very same data. - Fixed: some NaviFirm+ settings were lost after an automatic update. - Fixed: the welcome box containing the recent changes was not showed after an automatic update. - Fixed: detect and removes empty server responses from the cache 2.7 Change-Log: - New: interrupted and incomplete downloads can be resumed, avoiding to download the whole file again - New: downloads can be temporarily paused and restored later - New: migrated to .NET Framework v4 - Improved: if, for any reason, some firmware file is invalid, it will be automatically reported to NaviFirm+ server and it will be fixed asap. - Improved: handling of server error messages sent to the client has been rewritten - Fixed: some panels sizes, were not restored properly on launch. - Fixed: changed the default value to optional = false during the vpl parsing - Fixed: in a very particular case, the product list was empty - Fixed: double-click on download window to open the destination path was not working properly when clicking on labels 2.6 Change-Log: - Improved: keeps the windows and panel sizes preferences for the GUI. - Improved: handling of wrong text/html responses, instead of text/xml. - Improved: handling of "product code not found on caresuite". - Improved: handling of corrupted cache files. The corrupted cached file will be automatically deleted and content will be donwloaded again. 2.5 Change-Log: - Improved: Welcome Message can now be scrolled - Improved: minor GUI changes - Fixed: crash when downloading a firmware which has been found through Nokia Care Suite and user is donor - Fixed: the item "Upload New Product Codes" is now disabled properly - Fixed: filters gets cleared when searching on Nokia Care Suite 2.4 Change-Log: - New: Variants that (for any reason) have been replace/removed/hidden from Nokia Care Suite server, will be shown by NaviFirm+ in RED colour. You can change this behaviour by manually editing the Config_v2.xml file and set ShowHiddenVariants to False. - Improved: Favourite list can now detect new Variants available for the same Product Code / Software Release (it can happen when a variant is replaced by Nokia with another) - Improved: it is possible to donate using Credit Card or Skrill/MoneyBookers. These donations are accepted worldwide, also from counties not supported by PayPal. 2.3 Change-Log: - New: Search in Nokia Care Suite feature (available to non-donors too). You can now insert a Product Code in the textbox to search for it in Nokia Care Suite Server Non-donors that were using Nokia Care Suite Tool to search for new firmware versions, can totally replace it with NaviFirm+ - Improved: the Favourite Product Codes feature has been opened to the non-donors too. - Fixed: some issues in the auto-update features (delay for the app-restart was too short) - Improved: minor GUI changes 2.2 Change-Log: - Improved: Favourite Product Codes are now save on a different file MyProductCode.xml - Improved: internal code refactoring for better maintenance - Improved: minor GUI changes - Fixed: unexpected crash when selecting the variant, while the cache was automatically cleared - Fixed: sometimes users received the message "invalid username or password" - Known Issues: doesn't support proxy. Proxy support will be added in next releases. 2.1 Change-Log: - New: you can now report missing Product Code, by uploading a .txt list of product codes to the server, so the missing Product Codes will be added to the database. "Product Codes > Upload New Product Codes to NaviFirm+" the product codes listed in the .txt file should follow any of these formats: 059T1S4:RM-892 VAR EURO GB O2 SL BLACK 059S917:RM-892 VAR GB CV WHITE 059S8H6 059S8L8 RM-839 EURO_E5_YELLOW_CYRMAC_MK 059S125 RM-839 EURO_E5_YELLOW_GREEK_GR 059S127 - Improved: Favourite Product Codes list has been limited to a maximum of 10 entries - Improved: prevents running multiple NaviFirm+ instances - Fixed: all the datetime fields are now saved as UTC format, fixing some cache handling issues. - Known Issues: doesn't support proxy. Proxy support will be added in next releases. 2.0: - New: NaviFirm+ automatically downloads and installs new updates - New: Engine Rewritten from scratch - New: Favourites Product Codes list - Improved: trasfer speed! network communication is gzip-compressed - Improved: caching policy is handled by the server, you don't need to worry about cleaning the cache to get fresh results - Improved: refuses to add duplicated files to the download queue - Improved: minor GUI improvements - Removed: ShowExtendedInfo and ServerIndex settings - Known Issues: doesn't support proxy. Proxy support will be added in next releases. 1.7: - New: Ported to .NET Framework 4.0 - New: Shows additional Product informations in the tooltip, including phone's image. Note that the tooltip is disabled by default, if you want to enable it, you must change the NaviFirmPlus.Config file in this way: <setting name="ShowTooltip" serializeAs="String"> <value>True</value> </setting> 1.6: - New: added notifications about the current connection status and the amount of trasferred bytes - Improved: .vpl file is now handled without showing any window (you can disable the .vpl parsing changing the NaviFirmPlus.exe.config) - Improved: better data transfer speed - Improved: connection engine has been rewritten - Improved: minor changes to the status bar - Fixed: crash when double-click on "Size" column - Fixed: sorting on the "Size" column was not working proprerly 1.5 - New: it is now possibile to Download up to 20 files simultaneously. You just need to increase the Download Sessions limit (default value is 2). - New: added option to automatically append the PC to the destination path 1.4 - New: the download manager has been rewritten from scratch. Using the new Download Queue you can enqueue all the fw files you need to download, while keeping to use NaviFirm+ - Improved: the Parse VPL checkbox has been removed, you can change this setting through the NaviFirmPlus.exe.config file 1.3: - Fixed: Bad layout on Chinese System - Improved: Minor GUI changes 1.2: - Correzione: Errore nello scaricamento di file grandi. - Novita': Aggiunti i dettagli di dimensione e tipologia file. - Novita': Opzione per il download automatico del file VPL. Per selezionare automaticamente i file indispensabili del firmware. 1.1: - Novita': Aggiunto il supporto per il server Nokia Care! Questo server contiene alcuni file aggiuntivi, come l'immagine del Drive E: per l'N8. - Miglioria: All'avvio utilizzera' automaticamente l'ultimo server scelto dall'utente. 1.0: - Correzione: La comunicazione con il server "Quality Assurance" non funzionava correttamente. 0.9: - Correzione: A causa di vecchio codice di debug, il programma si chiudeva inaspettatamente dopo il 20 Dicembre. 0.8: - Correzione: Crash su Windows 7 0.7: - Miglioria: Da adesso questo software, disponibile sul sito, si chiamerà NaviFirm+ per essere distinto dalle altre varianti. - Miglioria: La finestra di download vi fornirà dettagliate informazioni sui downloads. 0.6: - Novità: Può essere incorporato come un plugin di NokiaCooker. 0.5: - Novità: Aggiunto il caching. - Novità: Filtro avanzato per i risultati. - Novità: Copia degli URLs nella ClipBoard. Questa feature può essere utilizzata per scaricare i file con un download manager esterno. - Miglioria: Le colonne possono essere ridimensionate. - Miglioria: La finestra può essere ridimensionata. [Traduzione del post a cura di alberto1991lucca]
salve a tutti, leggendo sul vostro blog la notizia che navifirm sarà inutilizzabile a partire dalla fine di gennaio. mi sorge questa domanda, ho la versione wp 7.8 se io volessi tornare alla 7.5 per aggiornare il mio lumia 800 alla versione stabile di 7.8 mi consigliate di scaricare già da ora i vecchi firmware oppure l'aggiornamento che ci sarà con zune avverrà lo stesso anche con wp 7.8 installato? grazie in anticipo!
Ciao a tutti! Ho un Nokia 5230 RM-588 con il Porting C6 Symbian Stile 5.0 installato sul firmware 51.0.2, ora vorrei tornare al firmware originale. So che si deve scaricare il FW originale da NaviFirm+ v1.7 ma quando scelgo il modello e la relase, non esce il firmware con il codice del mio telefono (0595652) Però ho trovato un firmware, sempre da navifirm, con lo stesso codice ma la versione è 50.0.1, posso installarlo anche se prima di mettere il CFW avevo il 51.0.2?? In Origine il telefono aveva il 50.0.1, poi l'ho aggiornato al 51.0.2. Spero di essermi fatto capire, per favore aiutatemi! grazie in anticipo!
- 1 reply
- Porting C6
- Firmware ufficiale
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Ho notato una differenza tra Navifirm e Navifirm+ ...nella versione normale quando selezioni un product code escono al massimo 8 quella plus e escono molti di più e visto che nelle guide sul web ho letto che bisogna scaricare tutti i file del firmware originale mi domandavo.devo usare navifirm normale e scaricare solo quegli 8-9 file oppure il plus e scaricare tutti gli altri file??
- aggiornamento
- navifirm
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