Disponibile al download Rompatcher+ v2.4 by Il.Socio

Rompatcher+ v2.4

Rompatcher+ v2.4

Il nostro amico Il.Socio ha annunciato ufficialmente sul proprio sito web di aver rilasciato la versione 2.4 di Rompatcher+, l’applicazione che consente di applicare svariate modifiche e personalizzazioni al proprio cellulare Symbian S60.

La nuova release porta con sé diverse e interessanti novità, tutte elencate nel changelog che trovate di seguito. Per ulteriori informazioni vi rimando a questo topic del Nokioteca forum mentre per il download cliccate sul link che trovate in fondo all’articolo.

+ New: Add to Auto (DomainSrv). You can now choose to start some patches using DomainSrv and some others using the standard way.
+ New: Fault-Recovery. When the phone is turned on and it crashes due to some bugged patch setted as “Auto”, then all the “Auto” patches will be temporary disabled, so you’ll be able to turn on the phone and remove the bugged patch.
+ New: Donate by SMS option. Select this to make a donation to support RP+
+ New: Two powerful new commands available for patch makers (ord_rel, ord_snr). I strongly suggest you to use them when you patch some dll.
ord_snr : ordinal (decimal value) : filename : original value : new value
ord_rel : ordinal (decimal value) : filename : offset (starting from ordinal): original value : new value
ord_snr:1:sys\bin\securitymanager.dll:AABBCC:AABBC C ; Apply the patch to the first export
ord_rel:1:sys\bin\securitymanager.dll:0A:AABBCC:AA BBCC ; Apply the patch to the first export+0x0A
+ New: Advanced > Dump ROM. Dumps the whole ROM content to file \romdumpplus.dmp
+ New: Advanced > Dump SuperPage. Dumps the superpage area to file \superpage.dmp
+ Improved: Popup will appears only once in a while (But don’t forget that the development of RP+ needs to be supported)
+ Improved: Patches .zip archive moved to a different path \System\Data\RP_Patches.zip
+ Improved: For touch devices the Search Box is hidden by default
+ Fixed: Crash when \patches\ folder was empty

Download “Rompatcher+ 2.4”

rompatcherplus_2.4.zip – Scaricato 418 volte – 387,87 KB

13 Commenti

  1. dj U.G.
    25 Dicembre 2010
    • Alessio (oissela)
      25 Dicembre 2010
    • Marco
      25 Dicembre 2010
      • dj U.G.
        25 Dicembre 2010
        • dj U.G.
          25 Dicembre 2010
          • Marco
            25 Dicembre 2010
  2. rolf
    25 Dicembre 2010
  3. gong
    25 Dicembre 2010
  4. dj U.G.
    26 Dicembre 2010

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